I'm Phineas and I'm 6 years old. I love animals, Legos, and nature.
Save the Elephants
Save the Elephants

Save the Elephants

Did you know that only 25 long-tusk elephants are left in the whole world? Did you know that there can be protector elephants that protect the leader elephant of the herd?

When I learned that there were not many elephants left, it made me very sad. So one reason I decided to create this website is to help the elephants.

Can you help me raise money to save the elephants?

This picture was taken by redcharlie at Unsplash.

If you send an email with your donation receipt (or other proof of donation) and your mailing address, I’ll send you a hand-signed picture as a thank you for your support. Please send to: phineasloveslife (at) gmail.

Thank you for contributing to this important work!!!